Shorter Days and Colder Nights

13 November 2021

October and November bring shorter days and colder nights, signalling to the ewes that the time is right for breeding. Ewes come into season naturally at this time of year and the tups (male sheep) are fitted with harnesses to hold a crayon which is coloured to mark each ewe they serve. The colours are changed as the weeks go on so we know which week they will lamb. After a slow start due to mild conditions, the first few cold nights did the trick and a field of multicoloured ewes followed.

We said two goodbyes in October with both Lesley Godsman and Robert Wilson hanging up there boots. We will miss them both and have benefitted enormously from their experience, skill and above all – cheerfulness at Balcaskie. Robert retired from the farm and immediately took to the stage, performing at Bowhouse in a lead role in Sunshine on Leith. An amazing production which we were really proud to host and enjoy not least that it signalled the first of the indoor performances bringing some much missed social contact.

Over the past year we have been involved in several short films, debates and promotional videos relating to COP26. In summary, the two subjects of reduced greenhouse gas emissions from regenerative farming and rural economic activity have been the theme. As world leaders gathered in Glasgow this month, I doubt very much they were interested in the detail – but the positive moves made by all of the organisations attending will hopefully begin to shift the focus from annoyingly simplified messages such as “eat less meat”.

We are keen to engage with consumers who are hungry to understand how to make considered choices when deciding how they can help to mitigate climate change. Running an open Q&A session at the December market, we are opening the doors to ask; Are livestock and issue or a solution to climate change? We hope to spark some robust questions from consumers which will help to focus how we produce food in future. If you are interested to attend – do visit; and get your ticket.

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